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University Lectures

Page history last edited by Ali Krishna dd 7 years, 6 months ago

Krishna West Chapel Hill (Video of a class given from the KW student center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill on November 7, 2016)


Materialism & Blind Doubt (Video of a lecture given at Lyon College in Batesville, Arkansas on April 4, 2016)


The Spiritual Basis of Equality (Lecture given from a KW student center at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill on September 6, 2014) 


Science & Spirituality- Friends or Enemies? (Lecture given from a KW student center at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill on August 23, 2014)


Science & Spirituality (Lecture given from an ISKCON student center at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville on April 13, 2014)


Blind Faith vs. Blind Doubt (Video of a lecture given at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill on April 9, 2014)


Yoga & Religion (Lecture given at the University of Texas, San Antonio on November 14, 2012)


Spirituality vs. Consumerism: Finding the Bottom Line (Lecture given at the University of Florida, Gainesville on June 12, 2012)


Science & Spirituality: What Next? (Lecture given at Stanford University in Stanford, CA on May 8, 2012)


Question Authority? (Lecture given from an ISKCON student center at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville in 2010)


Recitation & Thoughts on Various Bhagavad-gita verses  (Lecture given from an ISKCON student center at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville in 2010)


Sri Advaita Acharya's Appearence Day (Lecture given from an ISKCON student center at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville on November 2, 2010)


The Concept of God (Lecture given from an ISKCON student center at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville in 2010)


Avatars, Atheists & Anarchy (Lecture given at the University of Florida, Gainesville on April 20, 2010)


Contemporary Religion in India (Lecture given at the University of Florida, Gainesville on April 20, 2010)


Would you like to be an Avatar? Learn how! (Lecture given at the University of Wisconsin, Madison on April 4, 2010)  


Spiritualism vs. Consumerism (Lecture given at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA on May 18, 2009)


Science, Man, & God (Discussion after a creation vs. evolution debate at the University of Florida, Gainesville on October 27, 2008)


The Proper Method to Know God (Lecture given at the University of Florida, Gainesville on March 29, 2008)


General Discussion on Morality, Metaphysics and the Existence of God (Lecture given at King's College, UK in 2007)


Sex and the City (Lecture given at SOAS, University of London in 2007)


On Hinduism (Lecture given at the University of Cambridge, UK in 2007)


Social Issues and Varnashrama (Lecture given at the University of Cambridge, UK in 2007)


Semi Vowels (Lecture given at the University of Oxford, UK in 2007)


Anselm's Ontological Proof for the Existence of God & Rupa Goswami (Lecture given at the University of Oxford, UK in 2007)


Principled Inclusivism (Lecture given at a university in Los Angeles on August 24, 2007)


Duke University (Video of a lecture given at Duke University in Durham, NC on April 22, 2004)


Psychology, Values, & the Need for a Personal God (Video of a lecture given at Georgia Tech University in Atlanta, GA on April 18, 2004)


Q&A (place and date unknown)