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This is a series of lectures which Srila Acharyadeva gave on the first chapters of Bhagavad-gita during his writing retreat in Athens in the month of May.
BG 1.7 - 20
BG 1.21 - 23
BG 1.24 - 35
BG 1.36 - 1.40
BG 1.41
BG 1.42
BG 2.2 - 2.4
BG 2.5 - 2.7
BG 2.8
BG 2.9 - 2.10
BG 2.11
BG 2.12
BG 2.13
BG 2.14
BG 2.15
BG 2.16
BG 2.17
BG 2.18
back to 2008AthensOhio
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Krsna Instructs Arjuna on the Battlefield tags changed