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Quotes from Lectures

Page history last edited by Ali Krishna dd 14 years, 4 months ago

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Please add your favorite quotes here:


  • "The most important devotional service is to be sincere with Krishna." (Gainesville, September 2008)


  • "Time is that which pushes everything to its destiny." (Atlanta, 3-21-08)


  •  “We are trying to present a reasonable mature understanding of spirituality which finds the center between two historically dangerous extremes: fanatical religion & fanatical materialism. One is the equal and opposite reaction to the other. The balanced reasonable center is a spiritual science, Krishna Consciousness.” (Cardiff, Wales 2007)



  • "One could not imagine a more evil God that would burn His own children for eternity, for a thought crime."


  • "The idea that Krishna is an Indian God is crippling this movement ... We waste all our energy making people Indians." (Atlanta, Panihati Festival)


  • "To think that you are better than anyone else can be a very powerful motive to join this movement." (Atlanta, Panihati Festival)


  • "Don't worry about money, just try to do something nice for Krsna and money will come." (Originally quoted from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta)


  • "We have the highest knowledge and the highest cholesterol."


  • "It is a community not only so can you have organic food in your stomach but so you can have God in your heart...There is a sound byte for you." (Murari Sevaka, Gaura Purnima 2006)


  • "What is the use of your lofty philosophy if your bathrooms are dirty?"


  • “Srila Prabhupada is like a transcendental bulldozer that has plowed through Kali yuga and all we have to do is get behind him and not be distracted by what we see on either side, and go straight back to Godhead."


  • "Nothing, 'no-thing' is a language error." (Charlottesville, VA- September 24, 2006)


  • "We do not need religion to establish our eternality." (Charlottesville, VA- October 1, 2006)


  •  "Light fixtures do not create energy, they conduct it. The nervous system therefore conducts consciousness." (Charlottesville, VA- October 1, 2006)


  • "Science attacks metaphysics by combining the 'hows' & the 'whys'; by answering the 'how' they assume that is the 'why'." (Charlottesville, VA- October 15, 2006)


  • "Conscious feeling creatures have purposes; if there is a purpose in the universe then it is the purpose of it's Creator." (Charlottesville, VA- Dipavali, October 21, 2006)


  •  "Fanatical religion's God is a monster." (Charlottesville, VA- Gopastami, October 29, 2006)


  •  "The idea that the person that knows the physics and chemistry of this world holds superiority over the Artist is false." (Charlottesville, VA- November 19, 2006)
  • "There really is no injunction in sastra against beards, except for beards if one is fully following caturmasya vrata. Prabhupada just wants us to look presentable in our times and, of course, he was preaching to many male hippies." (White Hall, VA-  December 9, 2006)


  • "The reason why I chose Krishna Consciousness is because I believe it gives the most reasonable and complete explanation for the most important thing." (Camden Center, London 2007)


  •  "So we are in Prabhupada's International Society For Rehabilitation, 16-step program: chanting your rounds." (Srila Prabhupada Disappearance Day Lecture 2007)


  • "The problem with material life is not that in the material life people are too romantic, it is exactly the opposite; they're not romantic enough." (Sri Radhastami Lecture 2007)


  • "All of the good things of this world, all of the attractive things in this world, the problem's not that they're attractive, the problem is that our attraction is sort of nasty." (Sri Radhastami Lecture 2007)


  • "La religión en todas partes del mundo presenta, tal vez, las mejores oportunidades para la hipocresia (Religion in all parts of the world presents, maybe, the best opportunity for hypocrisy)." (Leon, Mexico December 26, 2005)


  • "Being in sattva-guna and not accepting Krsna is like going to the airport and missing your flight." (Lecture on BG 14.16 in San Diego, August 2007)


  • "Freedom is the essence of a person; necessity is the essence of a thing." (Lecture on BG 7.10, Father's Day)


  • "If the non-devotees were sane then it would disprove our philosophy, because they're not chanting Hare Krishna, they're engaged in sinful activities. So if they were actually sane then what is the meaning of Bhagavad-gita? They must be insane. Actually when you see how they are insane you should think: this is confirming everything." (Lecture on SB 2.8.6. June 4, 1980)


  • "We have God-given love in our hearts and we have God-given brains, and God wants us TO USE BOTH." (Alachua, 2005)